Types of Breast Implants
Both silicone and saline breast implants are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures. Dr. Steven Wiener believes it is extremely important that his patients fully understand all of their options so that they can make confident decisions before undergoing breast augmentation at his Scottsdale, AZ, office. If you are interested in enhancing your bust line, Dr. Wiener would be glad to explain the various types of breast implants that are available to you. We partner with MENTOR® to provide safe, high-quality implants that fit your needs.

Choosing the Right Implant
There are many decisions you will need to make when selecting the right implant type for your needs. These choices include the material, shape, and texture. Dr. Wiener can also help you choose the size and placement method that will best fit your aesthetic goals.
Silicone or Saline
Breast implants come in two material categories: saline and silicone. Both types of implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, profiles, and surface textures. One of the main differences between the two is that silicone implants are pre-filled with gel, while saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater following placement. Some women prefer saline implants because they require a relatively small incision. Also, in the case of a leak or rupture, the body can naturally absorb the saltwater.
The different implant options available allow you to have tremendous control over the outcome of your breast augmentation.
It is important to keep in mind that silicone is safer than ever before, and in many cases, can offer an incredibly lifelike texture and appearance. Traditional silicone implants are malleable, while MENTOR MemoryGel® implants are form-stable, meaning they hold together safely and uniformly for a natural feel. The downside of silicone implants is that leaks are often harder to detect. However, with regular exams, Dr. Wiener can evaluate the integrity of your implants.
Round or Teardrop-Shaped
When viewed in profile, breasts are tapered, narrowing at the top for a smooth, curving contour. Teardrop-shaped implants are designed to mimic that appearance. Teardrop-shaped implants are often recommended to breast reconstruction patients and women with a small amount of natural breast tissue.
Round implants can provide a more significant lift and cleavage enhancement. Over time, round implants can eventually adopt the same shape as teardrop implants due to the effects of gravity. You can discuss the contour you wish to achieve with Dr. Wiener, who can recommend which shape will complement your body type and existing breast tissue.
Smooth or Textured
When deciding between a smooth or textured implant surface, keep in mind that while a textured implant is more likely to stay in place, it is also more prone to leakage or rippling. MENTOR’s Siltex® coating is designed to provide texture that helps maintain the position of the implant. However, if you are concerned about the longevity of your implant, you may prefer a smooth surface.
If teardrop implants shift out of place, they will distort the bust line. While textured implants can reduce the likelihood of post-implant movement, non-textured round implants can shift without distorting the shape of the breast.
Safe, Personalized Treatment
The different implant options available allow you to have tremendous control over the outcome of your breast augmentation. Dr. Wiener can discuss all your options with you and answer any questions you may have so you can make an informed decision. Contact our office online or call us at (480) 596-6886 to schedule a complimentary consultation.