Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Can Liposuction Remove Arm Fat?

May 10, 2020 @ 11:00 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Liposuction

Even with a healthy diet and adequate exercise, stubborn pockets of fat can deprive you of your cosmetic goals. Liposuction offers a way to safely and permanently remove targeted areas of fat.

The arms are often a source of frustration for individuals who want a toned and well-defined body. Even when there is adequate muscle mass, fat deposits can obscure biceps, triceps, and shoulders. To add definition to your arms, Dr. Steven Wiener, who serves Scottsdale, AZ, can customize a liposuction plan that adds definition to targeted areas of your arms. Read on to learn more about liposuction for the arms.

Are You a Candidate for Liposuction for the Arms?

If you have fat deposits in your arm that are unresponsive to diet and exercise, you are likely a good candidate for liposuction for the arms. During your liposuction consultation, Dr. Wiener will examine fat deposits on and near your arm to determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction for the arms.

Liposuction does not address fat along your forearms. Common trouble spots that respond well to liposuction include the backside of the upper arms. Dr. Wiener will also consider the possibility of removing fat from behind the armpits where so-called bra rolls are often a cause of concern and embarrassment for women.

Other Considerations

Candidates should be in good health and within 30 percent of their ideal weight. Liposuction can improve skin tone but it cannot address significant skin laxity. If you need to address loose skin, Dr. Wiener can discuss potential treatment alternatives. Candidates should view liposuction as part of a holistic weight loss solution that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet.

How Will Liposuction Sculpt My Arms?

Before your procedure, Dr. Wiener will carefully map out your liposuction treatment. During your treatment in Scottsdale, AZ, a local anesthetic will be administered to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

Small incisions will be made at predetermined locations along your arm or near your armpit. The discreet incisions typically leave no visible scar. Using the incision, Dr. Wiener will insert a thin and hollow device called a cannula. A suction device built into the cannula safely removes fat as the cannula is moved back and forth in a controlled motion.


Compared to other cosmetic surgical procedures, there is little downtown needed following your liposuction for the arms in Scottsdale, AZ. Following the outpatient procedure, compression garments or bandaging will be wrapped around the upper arms. These wrappings help your skin conform to its new, slimmer contour.

You will be able to resume work and light activities shortly after your liposuction, but you should rest as much as possible for the first weeks after treatment. Avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid straining your upper arms while they heal.

Many of our patients report a sharp boost in self-esteem following their liposuction for the arms. You will begin noticing results in the days following treatment and drastic results after one to two weeks.

Schedule Your Liposuction Surgery for the Arms Today

Flabby or ill-defined arms can make wearing certain outfits embarrassing. If you would like to address stubborn pockets of fat, Dr. Wiener can artfully sculpt your arm using safe and effective liposuction. To learn more about the benefits of this cosmetic treatment, please contact our office online or call (480) 596-6886.